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Step 1: Fill out our screening questionnaire

10-15 minutes | Free

If you click on the link below it will take you to our screening questionnaire. This questionnaire is used to identify children (or adults) who have certain risk factors for Neuro-Developmental Delay (NDD) It asks several questions about your child’s early developmental history starting with their pregnancy and ending at present day. Once you submit it, you can go to our scheduling page and schedule a free phone consult. If you have any questions you are always welcome to contact me directly.

Step 2: Phone Consultation

30 minutes | Free

Once you submit the screening questionnaire we will schedule a phone consult. During the consult we will:

  • Discuss your child's screening questionnaire

  • Answer any questions you have

  • Make a plan for your child  


Step 3: Comprehensive Assessment:

2 hours | $850*

The Comprehensive Assessment is used to create a baseline of your child’s developmental functioning. From this, we can create a program that meets their individual needs. This assessment is going to be your biggest investment (of both time and money) but it will give us the information we need to create the best program for your child. You can schedule this appointment online in our scheduling tab or by calling Emily directly. BEFORE you schedule this appointment make sure that you have already completed the screening questionnaire and the phone consultation. The comprehensive assessment includes:


  • Tests for Gross Muscle Coordination and Balance

  • Tests for Patterns of Motor Development

  • Tests for Cerebellar Involvement

  • Tests for Dysdiadochokineasia (rapid alternate movements)

  • Tests for Aberrant Reflexes (both primitive and postural)

  • Oculo-Motor Screening

  • Visual-Perception Screening

  • Diagnostic Assessment Report 

  • First Exercise

  • 1 hour Phone Assessment Review to discuss the results of the assessment 

*Unfortunately we do not accept insurance. If finances are a problem I am always happy to create a payment plan that works for you family. I never want finances to be the reason a child can’t get the help they need.


Step 4: Follow-up Visits* 

50 minutes | $160

Follow-up visits are scheduled every 2 months. During these visits we will re-screen and make adjustments to your child's exercise. 

*If you ever have any concerns about whether or not you are doing an exercise correctly you can schedule a time to come in to the office and have it checked at no charge. Your child's safety and well-being is always my number one priority. 

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